Exploding links

Single-use, expiring, and secret links for IPFS. A link-shortening service and more built with Textile.

Read the blog post.

Drag & Drop Your File
To encrypt, add to IPFS, and generate a 24-hour link (5MB max).
Or use an existing IPFS hash (try this hash)
The file you submit will be encrypted and pinned to IPFS. A new hash, encryption key, and exploding link are generated for you.

Detonation Settings (optional)

Links you create will expire as soon as the first of Views to Detonate or Time to Detonate is reached. The default is 1000 views and 24hrs.


boom.fyi is built using a Textile cafe to store data and interact with IPFS. When you send a file to boom.fyi, it will be encrypted and added to IPFS. Next, a random is generated for that content. When someone visits the link, the cafe will fetch the IPFS content, decrypt it, and send it back. In this way, the requester only needs to know the link but never needs to know the hash or key of the content on IPFS.
No. It will cache it though. But you can take the content hash (just the hash, not the key) and pin it yourself or using an existing service. You can try IPFS's @Pinbot on Twitter, Pinata's API, or talk to @Pinbot on Textile's Slack which also uses Pinata.
boom.fyi is an experiment to show one way that people can store data on IPFS and share it with others without always having to share what the exact content address is. This allows a content owner to pin that content freely across IPFS without the same concerns that others might try to track the content address across the DHT. Of course, it means you need to trust boom.fyi, but anyone can run this service! Get in touch to learn how..
boom.fyi is part of a new system of bots that run on Textile. You can chain bots together into workflows in any way you like. For example, head over to our Slack channel and DM @Pinbot a file to see what it does.
Jump on our Slack channel and share what you are thinking and we'll see how we can help.
Everytime you upload a file (even if it's the same file you previously uploaded), a new and distinct encryption key will be generated to encrypt the file. The resulting blob will then be added to IPFS to live in private obscurity. In this way, you could pin every encrypted book from the Library of Alexandria but never have to tell people which book is which but still share them out to be read.
Yes, exactly! You can generate new links from the same data as many times as you need. You can create a single-use link now... and then another in a week for somebody else. Once you have a hash and key from boom, see the next question for entering your existing encryption key to generate a new link.
Sure! Just enter it here before you submit your hash above.